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Comprehensive Periodontic Dentistry Services

A periodontist is a dentist who specializes in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases that affect the supporting structures of the teeth. This includes the gums, bone, and connective tissues in and surrounding the mouth. Legends Dental offers periodontic dentistry services to our Waco, TX patients. We believe that it is vital to have access to a team of experts who can help you identify and manage different oral or gum diseases that you may be experiencing. Periodontists not only treat gum disease, but we also place dental implants and perform other procedures that involve the gums and the bone surrounding the teeth. Coming to see our periodontic team is pertinent if you suffer from gum disease or have another concern surrounding the related tissue.

woman smiling

What Are the Periodontic Services Your Office Provides?

The goal of periodontics is to restore and maintain the health of the gums and the supporting structure of the teeth to prevent tooth loss and promote overall oral health. Our periodontists offer a variety of different treatment options for different conditions. We focus on gum disease, but we also provide implants, bone grafting, and other services. Our periodic services include:

  • Scaling
  • Root Planing
  • Gum Graft Surgery
  • Dental Implant Placement
  • Bone Grafting

Fight Gum Disease the Right Way

Access to periodontic dentistry services is vital to supporting your overall gum health. It is true that anyone can be affected by gum disease. This disease needs to be treated by our professionals in order to ensure the health of your mouth and the stability of your teeth. We strive to ensure that our patients receive the services they need in order to be healthy and happy. Our dental team provides a comprehensive list of periodontic services and general dentistry services so that you can get all the dental treatment you need in one place. If you need periodontal care, call our office and schedule an appointment to see one of our professionals.

Nanzi’s Testimonial

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