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Dental Financing & Insurance in Waco, TX

We believe individuals and families should love the way their smile looks. At Legends Dental, we offer dental financing and insurance options at our Waco, TX office. Every patient has unique oral healthcare goals, and our flexible options allow them to achieve those goals in a way that fits their needs and budget. Our continued commitment to our patients is reflected in every aspect of our practice. Oral healthcare issues shouldn’t be ignored. Speak to our team to find out how we can help.

happy woman smiling

We Work With Your Dental Insurer for the Best Care

For our patients who have dental insurance, we’re here to ensure you receive the maximum benefit. Whether you’ve made an appointment for your very first exam with us or have been a part of our practice for years, we’ll work closely with you and your insurance company. Most dental insurance will cover the cost of bi-annual checkups and some portion of restorative care. Depending on your policy, you may be responsible for the cost of cosmetic treatments. We can work together to find the best treatments based on your coverage.

happy smiling man and woman hugging

Dental Financing Options for Treatments

Not every patient has dental insurance. That’s okay! At Legends Dental, we make every effort to ensure that patients without insurance are able to get the care they deserve by offering flexible financing options. Our financing plans are designed to fit nearly every need and budget. So, whether you’re an individual or part of a family of four, we offer financial flexibility for a healthy and beautiful smile. Don’t delay dental care because you’re unsure how to afford it. Instead, please speak with our team to learn more about our financing options.

Local Dentist Office Designed With You in Mind

At Legends Dental, we’re committed to making the right dental care more accessible with our financing and insurance options at our office in Waco, TX. Individuals and families throughout the community rely on our knowledgeable and experienced team for expert care. Our knowledgeable and skilled team of dental professionals will work closely with you to ensure you love the look of your smile. We are committed to providing personalized treatments for all our patients, which includes flexible financing options. We also accept most major types of dental insurance. Contact our team today to learn more.

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