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Injection with medicines

The symptoms and side effects of temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMD, can make those who suffer from the condition absolutely miserable. The pain itself can make people seek out different treatments and solutions to end the pain, discomfort and dysfunction. One unusual solution? Botulinum toxin type A – most commonly known as Botox.

But Does It Work?

The most common application of Botox is for aesthetics; millions of people around the world use this powerful injectable to temporarily paralyze the muscles of the face to prevent the development of wrinkles.

Botox has other applications approved by the Federal Drug Administration, including treatment for migraine, overactive bladder and hyperhidrosis, a condition that causes excessive sweating.

It is also approved to treat TMD. It may be tempting to take the injectable route, but there are a few things you should know first before going under the needle.

Botox and TMD

Botox for TMD works as it does for the face: It temporarily dulls the nerves that cause jaw and orofacial pain and paralyzes the muscles of the jaw to relax them, which can help reduce painful symptoms.

Sounds great, right? You may indeed experience relief from symptoms; however, the relief is only temporary. Botox lasts on average between three and four months, and then you will need another round of injections.

Another thing to remember about Botox is that you can build up a tolerance to it over time, which means you eventually won’t get as much out of the injections as you did in the beginning.

Instead of getting Botox injections, a better option is to treat the cause of your TMD and pain instead of just masking it.

Another critical thing to note about using Botox to treat TMD is that it requires a much higher dose than what is used in cosmetic applications, which is something to consider. Researchers do not yet know of the consequences of exposure to high levels over a long period.

While Botox may be a quick fix to get you out of TMD pain fast, in the long run, you need to treat the source of your jaw problems to live pain-free. If you’re considering Botox to treat your jaw symptoms, stop before the shot and give Dr. Sean Endsley a call to talk about treatment options that get you out of pain for good.

Call us now at 254-799-9540 to schedule a consultation.