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Tooth Brush and tooth paste

With an increase in COVID-19 cases across Texas, you may find that you’re wearing your mask more often. While it probably isn’t your favorite thing to do for a few different reasons, some people don’t like wearing a mask because they’ve noticed something unpleasant — that they have bad breath! While it may be comforting to know that you’re protecting others from the possible spread of COVID-19 and your bad breath, you still probably don’t want to smell your breath all day. But don’t skip wearing your mask! Here are a few tips for wearing your mask with comfort and confidence.

Brush and Floss

First thing’s first, you should brush and floss regularly. This will not only freshen your breath, but will also help prevent bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease. We recommend brushing two times a day and flossing at least once a day to remove sticky plaque and food debris that cause funky breath. If this routine isn’t getting it done, you should add in some extra flossing after each meal and maybe brush a bit longer.

Rinse and Repeat

Using mouthwash or mouth rinse is another way to help freshen your breath. We recommend swishing before brushing to help loosen plaque and food debris from the teeth. But remember, it’s not a substitute for brushing.

Try Gums and Mints

Gums and mints can help freshen your breath temporarily while you’re wearing your mask, but reach for the sugar-free varieties or those sweetened by Xylitol. Sugar-free varieties are best because sugar can actually contribute to bad breath. Also, be aware that chewing gum could cause your mask to shift, slide or fall, so mints may be your best bet.

Drink More Water

Many things, including dry mouth, can cause bad breath. To fight this, we recommend that you drink plenty of water. Drinking water not only will help to rinse away the sticky plaque and food debris that contribute to bad breath, but will also keep you from getting dry mouth.

If you notice that your mouth isn’t feeling fresh and your breath is still bugging you, call Legends Dental in Waco, Texas, at 254-799-9540.