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a man standing near a farm smiling

Are you weighing your options on updating your smile and considering porcelain veneers, but you’re hesitant to pursue this choice because of everything you’ve heard about them in the past? Well, we’re here to tell you that the porcelain veneers of today may blow your mind and blow many common myths out of the water.

What Are Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain veneers are thin layers of ceramic material bonded directly onto a person’s teeth for cosmetic purposes. They can be used to change the shape or color of any tooth from yellowish-brown or even dark brown to white. The process is simple: A dentist will first prepare the surface by removing decay with an acid-etching solution. Then the dentist applies a special bonding agent that hardens into a protective layer over the enamel.

Why Choose Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain veneers have been around since the early 1900s, when dentists began using them as a way to cover up unsightly stains caused by coffee, tea, tobacco, red wine, etc. In recent years, they’ve become more popular than ever due to their ability to improve smiles without changing the underlying structure of your natural teeth. There is a wide range of aesthetic issues that dental veneers can fix, including:

  • Worn teeth
  • Misshapen teeth
  • Tooth trauma
  • Stained or eroded teeth
  • Smile gaps

Six Common Myths About Veneers

MYTH #1: Veneers look fake. We’ve all seen them: big, bright, too-perfect porcelain veneers that just look unnatural and fake. While veneers are often portrayed this way in funny movies or in other comedic situations, the truth is that porcelain veneers are one of the most natural-looking cosmetic dental solutions available today. Modern-day veneers even have a translucent factor that gives them a more tooth-like, natural appearance.

Porcelain veneers have been around for over a century now, so it’s no surprise that people have outdated opinions about them. Modern veneers can be matched to your smile to look natural, and because they’re made of porcelain, they look almost identical to your tooth enamel. In fact, if you take a closer look at modern-day veneers, you’ll see that they actually look more like real teeth than any other type of restoration. They don’t feel different when biting down, either, and they won’t chip off or break as easily as traditional crowns do.

MYTH #2: Veneers are for famous people. Nope, not at all. It may seem that veneers are only for the rich and famous, but veneers are available to everyone. Note: They may not be available to some individuals right away, because there may be oral health issues such as tooth decay, enamel erosion and gum disease that could put off your veneer treatment until your oral health and dental health have improved.

This situation is the same for all cosmetic dental solutions — or should be. A beautiful smile is great, but a healthy and beautiful smile is best.

MYTH #3: Veneers stain. Unlike tooth enamel, porcelain veneers are not porous. So, they reject stains from red wine, coffee, tea and other foods. Unlike tooth enamel, porcelain does not stain. This is just one of the reasons why porcelain veneers are so popular among individuals who want to brighten their smiles.

In addition to being stain-resistant, porcelain veneers are also extremely durable.

MYTH #4: Veneers damage teeth. If you’re not sure about porcelain veneers because you’re afraid your teeth will be filed down to nothing in order for your restoration to be placed, don’t worry. Advancements in dentistry and porcelain veneers mean that your teeth are only lightly filed (just about 1 millimeter of your enamel) for your veneer to better adhere to your tooth and for the final appearance of your teeth to look more natural. The bottom line is that your overall tooth structure will be maintained.

MYTH #5: Veneers are only for front teeth. We hear this one a lot. While veneers are most commonly seen on front teeth, they can be applied to other teeth, too. You can use veneers in other places to treat non-cosmetic issues such as chipped or cracked teeth, discolored teeth, minor gaps and misalignments.

MYTH #6: Veneers will weaken your teeth. Porcelain veneers aren’t going to cause your teeth to become weaker. Although your veneers require a minimal amount of your natural tooth structure to be filed down, your new veneers on top of your existing teeth can make your teeth stronger. Adding the veneer allows your teeth to hold up under normal chewing pressure without causing harm. And since porcelain doesn’t wear out, your veneers will last forever!

Are you interested in learning more about how dental veneers can help improve your smile? Do you want more information about other cosmetic treatments we offer? Call us today to schedule a consultation.