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a girl standing and smiling

You may have heard the saying ‘An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,’ but do you know what it means? It means that if you take care of something today, it won’t become a problem to fix later. This theory can apply to a lot of things, including home repair, car maintenance, and orthodontics. That’s right, we said orthodontics. Particularly, this theory applies to the use of anterior guided expansion appliances.

We understand why this may surprise you. For years, the prevailing theory on treating kids with orthodontics was, ‘Wait and see what happens when all their adult teeth come in.’ The problem with this approach was that, in many cases, waiting and seeing what happened meant a lot of painful pushing and pulling of the teeth with metal braces, headgear, unnecessary extractions and long treatment times. Conventional orthodontics, or traditional braces, also focused on the aesthetics of the smile — i.e., straight teeth — and not the overall health of the smile’s foundation: the jaw.

As a result, many patients who went through conventional orthodontic treatment as children are living with painful jaw problems now, with top and bottom teeth that are crowded because they never had sufficient space created in the mouth even after years of orthodontic treatment.

All these situations can be avoided with early intervention with an anterior guided expansion appliance before the permanent teeth come in, and jaw growth stops.

Why Early Intervention Is Best

Our bodies — and our jaws —are designed to grow in very specific ways, which are spelled out in our genes. However, many environmental factors can disrupt that growth plan, which results in malformation of the jaw and impaired facial development. These factors include diet, oral behaviors such as prolonged pacifier use and even pollution. When the jaws do not reach their full growth potential, problems develop.

These problems include breathing issues, difficulty sleeping and eating, impaired physical growth and cognitive development, and a greater risk of developing chronic and potentially life-threatening health conditions.

Treating children early with anterior guided expansion appliances does not put the aesthetics (i.e., straight teeth) first. It focuses on achieving optimal jaw size and health, improving facial appearance, opening the airway to ensure proper breathing, and protecting overall health to achieve a beautiful smile.

What Is an Anterior Guided Expansion Appliance?

Anterior guided expansion orthodontic treatment works by utilizing the body’s natural response to expand the upper jaw, or maxilla, and enhance growth and facial structure through the use of an oral appliance. These appliances have gained popularity as an alternative to traditional braces.

During anterior guided expansion treatment, a small and lightweight appliance is custom-made to fit in the upper jaw. The appliance operates by stimulating a nerve located in the roof of the upper palate, prompting the body to respond by facilitating forward expansion, creating space for incoming adult teeth. Additionally, it helps to widen the airway and restore facial balance. The appliance is designed to be removable, enabling the child to maintain proper oral hygiene. Gradually, the child progresses to wearing the appliance at all times, including during meals. This approach encourages normal tongue habits and promotes nasal breathing.

Anterior guided expansion treatment is an ideal choice because it focuses on guiding gradual and natural growth rather than forcibly moving teeth through pulling and pushing. This natural process aids in improving the facial structure and promoting overall health in your child.

What Can RAGGA Treat?

How do you know if anterior guided expansion is right for your child? It can help treat a range of oral and overall health symptoms, including:

  • Bite alignment concerns, such as crossbites, overbites and underbites
  • Breathing problems, such as mouth breathing and chronic congestion
  • Sleep breathing disorders, such as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)
  • Jaw problems, such as TMJD/TMD
  • Headaches or migraines
  • An underdeveloped or ‘weak’ chin or other problems with facial development
  • A sunken appearance in the midface area around the nose and mouth
  • Difficulty swallowing or chewing
  • Poor oral rest posture

In many cases, bite alignment issues are caused by misaligned jaws, crowded teeth and simply not enough room in the mouth for the adult teeth and tongue. This treatment helps the jaw expand, making proper bite alignment possible.

Breathing Problems

When the jaw expands, so does the upper airway, which allows breathing to switch from the mouth to the nose. Nasal breathing yields greater immediate and long-term health benefits for the body and also improves performance and cognition.

Sleep Breathing Disorders

In many cases, underdeveloped jaws or jaws that are set too far back contribute to sleep breathing disorders such as OSA. This is because, along with the jaw, the tongue is also set too far back and can block the airway when the body relaxes during sleep. Sleep apnea in children can cause symptoms such as daytime fatigue, difficulty concentrating, bedwetting, nightmares or night terrors, behavioral disorders, and cognitive problems. Anterior guided expansion appliances expand the upper airway to its fullest potential, allowing more oxygen into the body and improving overall health.

Jaw Problems

When the jaw is out of balance, and the upper and lower teeth do not fit together as intended, it puts stress and strain on the jaw joints, which, over time, can cause significant and painful damage.

Headaches and Migraines

When the jaws are out of balance, the stress on the jaw joints can contribute to the development of headaches or migraines. In most cases, these headaches develop around the temples. This is because when the jaws are not balanced, the muscles, nerves and connective tissues around the jaw joints are pushed and pulled and become tense. The facial muscles are also strained, which can cause pain.

Underdeveloped Chin

If the lower jaw is underdeveloped, the chin will appear weak and set back, giving the face an unbalanced appearance.

Midface Deficiency

When the upper jaw does not correctly form, the area around the nose and upper mouth can appear sunken.

Eating Difficulties

Many children living with undersized jaws struggle with eating and chewing. They also often have food aversions because their jaws are misaligned and their front and back teeth do not come together correctly.

Poor Oral Rest Posture

Signs of poor oral rest posture include gum issues, such as ‘gummy’ smiles and red or swollen gums; tongue thrusting; tooth grinding; and speech impediments. Anterior guided expansion treatment can help expand the jaw to allow for proper tongue positioning, a proper lip seal and improved gum health.

Are you interested in anterior guided expansion for your child? Learn more about how we can give your child a happy smile with straight teeth and a healthier life by calling Legends Dental at 254-799-9540 to schedule an initial consultation.