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a young woman with braces on teeth smiling

Do you want to straighten your teeth and improve your smile but you think you’re too old for braces? Our answer is that you are never too old to get the smile you want! Legends Dental helps patients of all ages remodel their existing jawbone structure and straighten teeth to enhance their appearance and boost health and confidence. We believe that no one is too old to make changes to their teeth and jaw, and that you deserve to look and feel fantastic no matter your age.

Getting Braces Doesn’t Have to Be a Big Deal

If you’re worried about how braces are going to look on you, keep in mind that getting braces as an adult doesn’t mean embarrassment. Modern orthodontics often allow for discretion while you’re straightening your smile, like with clear braces or aligner trays. Also, keep in mind that many adults are getting braces, so orthodontic treatment no longer has a negative social stigma as it once did. This means there’s nothing to feel embarrassed about.

Getting healthy, beautiful teeth is nothing to be ashamed of!

An Added Benefit: Improved Health

Many patients who choose to straighten their smiles also notice their mouths are healthier with treatment. This is because crowded or crooked teeth can make brushing and flossing difficult.

Oh, One More Thing: Improved Appearance

Orthodontics can also help improve your appearance, but not just by updating your smile. When the jaw is remodeled, your face gains a more youthful appearance, which helps reduce the signs of aging and slows down the aging process.

So, Why Not?

The Academy of General Dentistry reports that more than 1 million adults in the United States are currently wearing braces. If you’re on the fence, don’t be! You’re never too old to start, and that should give you something to smile about. We would love to talk to you about your smile and how we can help you today. Call Legends Dental at 254-799-9540 to schedule your consultation.