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You’ve probably heard that being overweight or obese can contribute to high cholesterol, heart disease and diabetes. But what about gum disease? Is it possible that obesity contributes to the development of gingivitis?

The answer is yes! A recent study published in the Journal of Periodontology found that individuals with higher body mass index were more likely to develop periodontal diseases than those with lower BMIs.

Obesity and Gum Disease

The researchers also found that people with higher BMIs tended to eat foods high in sugar and refined carbohydrates, which may lead to increased inflammation and plaque accumulation on teeth. This could explain why some people seem to be at greater risk for developing gum disease even though they don’t appear to have any other signs of poor oral health.

In addition to eating habits, several other factors can increase your chances of getting gum disease.

Factors That Contribute to Gum Disease

Age: As we get older, our immune system weakens, making us more susceptible to infections and illnesses. It’s important to note that you might not feel sick when you first start experiencing symptoms of gum disease. The bacteria that cause gingivitis usually take root after an infection has occurred. The longer you wait before seeking treatment, the worse your condition will become.

Diabetes: People with type 2 diabetes tend to experience problems with their blood glucose levels, which can cause them to lose sensation in their mouth. If left untreated, these conditions can lead to gum disease.

Smoking: Cigarette smoking is one of the most common reasons for tooth loss. When tobacco smoke comes into contact with your gums, it irritates and inflames your tissues, causing bleeding and swelling. Over time, this can result in bone loss around your teeth.

Stress: Studies show that stress can weaken your immune system, making you more vulnerable to illness. This means that if you’re feeling stressed out, it’s essential to take steps to reduce your level of anxiety by engaging in regular exercise and practicing relaxation techniques like meditation.

Poor Oral Hygiene: A lack of proper dental hygiene can leave your mouth open to harmful bacteria and viruses. These can enter your bloodstream through your gums and travel to your heart, lungs and other organs, where they can cause severe damage.

How Does Gum Disease Affect Your Health?

Gum disease can affect your overall health because it puts you at risk for additional health issues. For example, if you have gum disease, you’re more likely to suffer from heart disease and stroke. You’re also more likely to have diabetes and kidney stones. Plus, if you have gum problems, you’re less likely to recover from surgery as quickly as someone without gum disease.

If you think you might have gum disease, call your dentist today. They can perform a thorough examination to determine whether you need treatment. If you do need treatment, your dentist can remove tartar and clean away plaque and debris so that you can avoid future complications.

Gum Disease Treatment – What to Expect During and After Treatment

We will use special tools to gently scrape the soft tissue surrounding your teeth during treatment. This procedure helps to remove the plaque and debris that collects on your gums. Once the area has been cleaned, we will apply a topical medication to help prevent further buildup of plaque and tartar.

After treatment, you should see results within two weeks. However, it can take up to six months for your gums to heal completely. While several different types of treatments are available for gum disease, each option offers its own set of benefits and risks.

How to Prevent Gum Disease

While there isn’t much you can do to stop gum disease from occurring, there are ways you can limit the impact it has on your oral health. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

Brush and Floss Daily: Brushing and flossing regularly can help remove bacterial plaque and food particles from between your teeth and under your gum line.

Avoid Tobacco Use: Smoking cigarettes increases your chances of developing gum disease. It also makes your gums more susceptible to infection.

Practice Good Oral Hygiene: Proper brushing and flossing twice daily can help to eliminate the bacteria that cause gum disease.

See Your Dentist Regularly: Scheduling routine checkups with your dentist can help catch any signs of gum disease early. Early detection can make all the difference when it comes to preventing permanent damage.

What Are the Symptoms of Gingivitis?

The symptoms of gingivitis vary depending on how severe the condition is. In mild cases, you may only notice slight changes in your gums. However, in more advanced stages, you could experience bleeding, swelling and pain around your gums.

Here are some common symptoms of gingivitis:

Bleeding Gums: When your gums bleed easily, this is an indication that you have developed periodontal disease.

Swollen Gums: Swelling occurs when your gums become infected by bacteria. As a result, they swell and begin to pull away from your teeth.

Painful Gums: If you feel sharp pains in your gums while chewing, biting down or even drinking water, then you most likely have periodontal disease.

Bad Breath: If your breath smells bad, you probably have dental decay. Decay forms when bacteria eat away at tooth enamel, which leads to bad breath.

If you are experiencing the signs of gum disease, it’s essential to see us as soon as possible to treat the problem before it gets worse. Call today to schedule your appointment.