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A women sleeping

There’s no doubt that summer is one of the best times of the year. Why is that? We think summer is so special because of longer days, warmer weather and usually lots of fun. This fun can often mean later nights than usual, which translates into less sleep in most cases. Is this really a big deal? Well, kind of, especially if you’re living with sleep apnea.

What Is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a sleep breathing disorder that causes interruptions in breathing during sleep. The most prevalent form of sleep apnea is obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA.

Why Is Sleep Important?

Sleep is critical to health. It’s not just about not feeling tired; it’s about giving your body a chance to rest and recover to keep your organs and tissues healthy and functional.

Summer and Sleep Apnea

As we said, summer days are longer. This means more hours of sunlight. And while that’s great for barbecues and relaxing around the pool or patio, more sunlight can completely disrupt your sleep schedule. Disruption happens because , when the sun is out longer, your body’s production of melatonin starts later, which makes it harder to fall asleep at what is your regular bedtime. And just because the sun is going up earlier and down later doesn’t mean you don’t need the same amount of sleep as any other time of year!

Tip: We recommend winding down before falling asleep and reducing screen time (which can also cause your brain not to produce melatonin).

You’re probably also spending more time outside, enjoying drives with the windows down or hanging out at home with the windows open. This means an increase in dust and pollen. This can cause allergies and congestion, which makes breathing difficult. Tip: Dusting your home and vacuuming can help, as can washing your sheets regularly.

If you’re struggling with not getting enough sleep, we recommend trying a new pillow or putting up blackout curtains on your bedroom windows to help facilitate sleep and keep you comfortable. But we also think you should give Legends Dental a call to talk about how we can help you get good sleep.

Call 254-799-9540 now for more information or to schedule your consultation.