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A Man has a hearing problem

When you think about temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMJD, you may think about jaw pain or the jaw ‘locking’ shut. But did you know that TMJD can cause symptoms that may not even appear in or around your jaw? These symptoms include unexplained ear pain, ringing in the ears, headaches, neck pain and tooth sensitivity. Another sign of TMJD that may not make sense is vertigo or dizziness. But how are these feelings and TMJD connected?

What Is Vertigo?

Vertigo is another name for the feeling of dizziness or that the world is spinning even though you’re standing still. Many people living with TMJD experience vertigo or positional vertigo, a situation that occurs when the head is in a particular position.

What Is TMJD?

TMJD, also known as TMD, is a condition that affects the jaw joints. It can be caused by several factors, including injury, uneven or damaged dental restorations, an unbalanced bite, and even aging. The most common symptoms of TMJD include pain and stiffness in the jaw, crepitus (the clicking, popping and grating sound that happens when the jaw is in use), loss of jaw function, the feeling that the jaw is going to get stuck open or closed, and other symptoms.

What’s the Connection?

If your jaw is damaged or out of alignment, it can result in swelling that can put pressure on the joint and the head’s vestibular system. This system is found inside the temporal bone. When there is pressure, the bones of the ear that help to balance the body cannot effectively do their job, resulting in feelings in dizziness and vertigo.


If you’re experiencing the symptoms of TMJD and suffering from dizziness and vertigo, it is worth a call to Legends Dental to discuss your symptoms and find out how we can help!

We offer a range of treatment options, including appliance therapy, bite correction, dental restorations or neuromuscular orthodontic therapy. These approaches can help return balance to your jaw and help to reduce discomfort, dizziness and vertigo. Call Legends Dental now to schedule a consultation and learn more. Call 254-799-9540 for more information and to get scheduled!