Category: Temporomandibular Joint Disorder
Brazilian researchers may have a new way to reduce joint inflammation, which they hope could be beneficial to those living with temporomandibular…
Have you been diagnosed with temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD), or do you think you have the condition? One thing you may want to think…
You probably think you have a good understanding of what constitutes traditional braces. Wires, brackets and rubber bands, right? Do you know…
Does your child have crooked or crowded adult teeth coming in? If so, you may be tempted to ‘wait and see’ what their smile will be like over…
Researchers believe that around 10 million Americans are living with temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMD. TMD is a condition that develops…
Laughing too hard can mean a bellyache, tears streaming down the cheeks and the inability to catch your breath, but can laughing too hard mean…
When you get up to walk across the room, do your hips, knees or back pop, creak or crack? If they do, you might want to call your doctor, as…
Working out is good for your waistline, but what about for your jaw? According to new research presented at the American Academy of Orofacial…
One in four people are living with the pain and other uncomfortable symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorder.
Chew on that a minute – if…
Bad posture is a pretty easy habit to fall into and a tough habit to break. Think about it: How much time are you spending hunched in front of a…