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Reliable Emergency Dentistry Treatments in Waco, TX

Severe decay or injury can lead to pain in your teeth. When you need immediate relief, trust Legends Dental for emergency dentistry in Waco, TX. When a dental emergency occurs, immediate and effective treatment is paramount for your well-being and health. Our team offers comprehensive dental exams to uncover the cause of the pain or discomfort and the proper emergency dental treatments to provide you with relief. Visit our office today to receive treatment for your dental emergency.

happy woman smiling

Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy is one of the most common types of emergency dentistry treatments we offer. This safe and effective treatment is designed to provide permanent relief for patients while preserving the decayed tooth. When bacteria reach the nerves either through a cavity or from damage, it can cause an infection. Our team will remove the infected nerves and seal the tooth to alleviate the pain and protect it from future decay.

happy smiling woman

What Are the Signs That I Require Emergency Dentistry?

While some patients may try to wait for the pain to subside or take medication to alleviate the pain, it’s essential to schedule an oral examination to determine the cause of the issue. Ignoring the symptoms will only make the problem worse. If you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms, then you may need to visit our office for emergency dental services:

  • Severe Tooth Pain
  • Tenderness When Chewing
  • Prolonged Sensitivity to Hot or Cold
  • Swelling Around the Gums
  • Tooth Discoloration

Get Relief From Severe Tooth Pain Today

At Legends Dental, we understand that dental emergencies can occur at any time. When they do, you can count on our team to be there for you. Whether from decay or injury, you need to alleviate the pain and preserve your tooth. Our dental professionals utilize state-of-the-art dental equipment with maximum precision for outstanding results. You can always count on our skilled dentists to deliver exceptional care for new and returning patients. If you’re experiencing any of the common symptoms of a dental emergency, visit our office immediately for a dental exam.

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