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The Importance of Having Fluoride Treatments

Did you know that there is likely fluoride in your drinking water? 75% of people in the United States have access to water treated with fluoride for the sake of their dental health in their homes. The addition of fluoride to public drinking water has been called one of the top 10 public health achievements of the 20th century by the Centers for Disease Control.

The addition of fluoride to drinking water is one of the best ways to help prevent tooth decay and cavities. Dental fluoride treatments are also extremely important. In-office fluoride treatments have been used for decades by dentists around the nation to help prevent decay in both children and adults, especially for those at a higher risk for oral health complications.

happy woman smiling

Good Candidates for Fluoride Treatments

What makes someone a good candidate for fluoride treatments due to their moderate to high risk for cavities:

  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Active cavities and decay
  • History of cavities and decay
  • Lack of professional dental care
  • Poor diet
  • Dry mouth

Fluoride treatments can be done in only a few minutes and they are painless. They are typically performed with a varnish, gel, or foam that can be painted onto teeth. You shouldn’t eat or drink for 30 minutes afterward to give the fluoride time to work. If you’re in great oral health, it’s recommended that you get these treatments every 6-12 months but for those who need more help with their oral health, sometimes treatment every 3 months is recommended.

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