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Cleanings and Exams

There’s a reason we recommend twice-a-year cleanings and exams.

Many patients wonder why it’s necessary to come in for cleanings more than once a year. We understand the confusion and have a few things to share with you to help you understand just why that second visit each year can save you time, money and potential pain.

woman smiling

The Importance of Cleanings and Exams

At the most basic level, it’s important to come in at least twice a year for cleanings because buildup happens quickly, even if you have an amazing oral hygiene routine at home. There are simply areas of the mouth that are incredibly hard to reach, and some are just downright impossible without specialized dental tools. We also screen for oral cancer, decay, gum disease and many other issues that may be starting to form so we can catch them early enough to minimize the amount of intervention needed.

Mary’s Testimonial

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