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Teaching Children Healthy Habits

The most important thing you can do for children’s oral health is teach them the habits they need to follow for life. Brushing teeth morning and night every day and starting off dental visits as early as possible can help set them up for future success and healthy habits. It’s also important to be consistent so brushing, flossing and visiting the dentist are part of their routine.

For children under the age of 5, the most important part of professional oral care is helping kids feel comfortable in the dentist’s office. When child patients come in, we show them how everything works and help educate them and their families. We screen children at a young age for missing teeth or extra teeth and any issues we see as potential future needs or issues. The sooner we can identify the risk of any problems, the less invasive the treatment usually needs to be.

mother and daughter smiling

How to Prepare Your Child for the First Dental Visit

Talk to them about what’s going to happen. Talk positively about the dentist in general, especially just before their appointments. Reading books that are age appropriate or about their favorite characters going to the dentist can help normalize the experience and make them feel more comfortable. If your child’s teeth have erupted and they haven’t been to the dentist yet, it’s probably time to schedule an appointment. This will help them get comfortable with the experience of professional oral care. If you’re ready to schedule their first appointment or it’s simply time for their bi-annual visit, give us a call today.

little girl smiling


A sealant is a thin, protective coating that is painted on the teeth. The material quickly bonds to the surfaces of teeth and hardens, covering all the little ridges and nooks to protect the entire surface of the tooth from decay. They essentially work like an invisible shield to protect teeth, especially among children, who are most vulnerable to decay.

Jacob’s Story

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