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What Are Sealants?

Sealants protect teeth from cavities, especially among children! They are easy, quick and painless.

A sealant is a thin, protective coating that is painted on the teeth. The material quickly bonds to the surfaces of teeth and hardens, covering all the little ridges and nooks to protect the entire surface of the tooth from decay. They essentially work like an invisible shield to protect teeth, especially among children, who are most vulnerable to decay.

happy man with daughter smiling

The Importance of Sealants

Children ages 6-11 who don’t get sealants are three times more likely to get cavities in their molars than those who get sealants. The best part about dental sealants from a children’s perspective is that they’re pain free, and applying them is quick and easy! Parents love that they protect against 80 percent of cavities for two years and protect against 50 percent of cavities for up to four years.

Children are not the only ones who can benefit from sealants. Adults can help prevent future cavities with the use of sealants as well. Regardless of age, everyone is susceptible to cavities and decay. No matter how well you brush and floss, there are just some surfaces of the teeth that are hard to reach or get missed easily. Sealants are a great preventive measure to save you money and pain that is often associated with tooth decay.

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