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a bald man smiling

We hoped this trend went away a few years ago, but in the last six months, we’ve seen it making a comeback. So we wanted to take a few minutes to remind you why charcoal isn’t the best way to whiten your teeth and why you should choose professional whitening treatments to brighten your smile.

Why Whiten Your Teeth?

Whitening teeth is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures for both men and women today. It’s an easy way to get that healthy glow and make sure your smile looks its best. However, there are some things to know about whitening before you start. Some people think they can do it themselves at home with over-the-counter products, but this is not recommended.

The reason is that these products contain harsh chemicals that can damage your tooth enamel and cause discoloration.

The Pros & Cons of Home Whitening Products

Over-the-counter whitening strips can be effective when used correctly, but they also have their drawbacks. For example, they may stain your tongue or lips, which makes them less attractive. And if you use too many strips in a short period, you could end up damaging your gums. You can also experience burning sensations while using them and long-term (and painful) tooth sensitivity.

Charcoal Toothpaste: An Alternative Way to Whiten?

If you want to try out charcoal toothpaste as an alternative way to whiten your teeth, read this first.

While charcoal is excellent for absorbing surface stains caused by coffee and tea from the teeth, it doesn’t work well on sticky plaque buildup.

Charcoal powder is made up of tiny particles that don’t penetrate deep enough into the mouth to remove plaque buildup. Unfortunately, this means that even though it will help absorb surface stains, it won’t whiten your teeth.

Charcoal products can also damage your teeth. If you brush your teeth with charcoal, it can erode the protective layer of enamel. This is because charcoal has an abrasive texture. When the outer layer of your tooth enamel is damaged, you lose your protection against tooth decay. This can lead to cavities and gum disease.

Charcoal toothpaste and powder can also cause problems with medications. If you’re taking certain prescription drugs, you might need to talk to your doctor before trying any kind of charcoal product. This is because charcoal can bind to medications, causing them not to be absorbed into your system, leaving you at risk for serious health problems if you’re on maintenance medications.

Note: Charcoal can also impact how your body absorbs vitamins and minerals.

Why Choose Professional Tooth Whitening?

We recommend professional whitening treatments from a dentist because they’re safe, gentle and effective. They’re also FDA-approved.

Over-the-counter treatments or whitening treatments you buy on the internet may not have those guarantees and could leave you at risk of:

  • Damage to your teeth and dental health
  • Discolored teeth
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Burning sensation
  • Long-term effects

In addition to all the risks mentioned above, DIY whitening kits aren’t regulated by the FDA. So, you don’t know exactly what you’re putting in your mouth. We recommend professional whitening to give you the pearly whites you’re looking to achieve if you want whiter teeth.

Professional whitening treatments can help you achieve beautiful white teeth without risking your oral health. They’ll also remove stubborn stains and give you the results you want: a beautiful and bright smile.

What Happens During a Whitening Treatment?

During your treatment, we will apply a special gel directly onto your teeth. We’ll then gently scrub away the stains and polish your teeth, so they look brighter than ever.

You’ll probably feel a slight tingle during the process, but it shouldn’t hurt. It should only last a few seconds. Afterward, you’ll rinse your mouth with water to remove any residue left behind.

How Long Does a Whitening Treatment Last?

Your teeth will stay whiter longer after a professional whitening treatment compared to DIY whitening kits. That’s because our treatments are designed to penetrate deep into the layers of your teeth. Most people whiten every six months, but you can help make your whitening results last longer by:

  • Brushing at least twice daily using an electric toothbrush
  • Washing your mouth regularly with fluoride rinses
  • Avoiding smoking and drinking beverages that contain caffeine

Your dentist can tell you whether you need a whitening procedure based on your specific needs.

What Happens if You Whiten Your Teeth Too Often?

Whitening your teeth too often can make them darker over time! It’s essential to understand why this happens. When you whiten your teeth, you’re removing some of their natural colors. Over time, as more and more of your teeth lose their original color, they begin to appear translucent rather than white. This can cause them to appear discolored – and the discoloration may be permanent!

This is especially true if you use whiteners that contain peroxide. Peroxide can damage your teeth permanently when misused.

Want a whiter, brighter smile? Call us now to schedule your whitening appointment.