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a woman brushing her teeth

Dr. Jordan Brown, a Florida dentist popular on TikTok, is warning viewers about the potential for their toothbrush to be contaminated with fecal matter. Yuck! In a recent video posted to his TikTok account, he explains that if you can see your toilet and your toothbrush at the same time without moving your head, there is a 99 percent chance that you have poop particles on your toothbrush. This is due to aerosols from toilet spray, which can travel up into the air and land on nearby surfaces such as your toothbrush.

This news has been met with shock and horror by many of Brown’s followers, who are now taking extra precautions when it comes to brushing their teeth.

Is this a real concern that you should worry about? Brown isn’t the first expert to talk about this problem, but with so much concern suddenly swirling around TikTok and social media, we wanted to take time to address it.

A research study conducted in 2015 by a team from Connecticut’s Quinnipiac University revealed that nearly 60 percent of toothbrushes in shared bathrooms tested positive for fecal matter. Yikes.

The study also found that if you’re sharing a bathroom, there’s an 80 percent chance that the microscopic poop particles on your toothbrush are from someone else’s feces.

In 2012, researchers at Manchester University in England found more than 10 million bacteria living on the average toothbrush.

Toilet Aerosols

Is this a thing?

Yes, it is a real thing. Toilet aerosols are created when flushing the toilet. These aerosols can travel up to 6 feet in the air. They contain bacteria, viruses and fecal matter that can land on nearby surfaces such as your toothbrush.

These germs can cause a variety of illnesses, including the common cold, flu, and even more serious illnesses such as hepatitis A.

Preventing Contamination

So, how can you prevent contamination of your toothbrush? The most important thing is to keep your toothbrush away from the toilet. This means that if you can see your toilet and your toothbrush at the same time without moving your head, it is time to move your toothbrush!

In addition, it is important to always cover the toilet lid before flushing to keep toilet aerosols from spraying out of the toilet bowl.

It’s important to note that this risk is only present in bathrooms where there is not enough space between the toilet and sink, so people with larger bathrooms may not need to worry as much. However, it’s still wise to take steps such as keeping the toilet lid closed when flushing.

How to Store Your Toothbrush

It is also important to store your toothbrush properly. This means keeping it in a dry, closed container or toothbrush holder away from the toilet and other sources of contamination.

We also recommend that you store your toothbrush in a way that prevents it from touching other people’s toothbrushes in the toothbrush holder. If you’re traveling, we also recommend using a toothbrush cover to keep your toothbrush protected in hotels or other areas with close-quarters bathrooms.

Finally, it is important to replace your toothbrush every three months or after you have been sick. This will help ensure you are not brushing with bacteria and viruses that can make you sick.

One more thing! We also recommend that you do not share your toothbrush with anyone else. Sharing your toothbrush can contribute to the spread of illness and even contribute to the development of gum disease and dental hygiene issues.

In conclusion, while it may seem like a gross thought, it is important to be aware of the potential for your toothbrush to be contaminated with fecal matter. Taking steps such as keeping your toothbrush away from the toilet, covering the lid when flushing, and replacing your toothbrush regularly can help prevent contamination and illness.

Should You Invest in a Toothbrush Sanitizer?

While it is important to take steps to prevent contamination of your toothbrush, some people may want to take extra precautions. For those who are concerned about the potential for their toothbrush to be contaminated with fecal matter, investing in a toothbrush sanitizer may be an option.

A toothbrush sanitizer is a device that uses ultraviolet light or ozone gas to kill bacteria and viruses on your toothbrush. This can help to ensure that you are not brushing with microscopic poop particles and can provide peace of mind for those who are concerned about contamination.

The most important thing about keeping your mouth healthy is visiting the dentist for general care twice a year. We would love to be that dentist for you!