
A woman is sitting on a couch with cosmetic dentist Dr. Sean Endsley looking at a tablet.

A new study of nearly 34,000 individuals has found a connection between obstructive sleep apnea and the risk of developing cancer. Results of the study revealed that it was the chronic low blood oxygen levels attributed to sleep apnea that contributed to the higher cancer risk. Study participants underwent sleep…

A woman is sleeping in bed with a white comforter.

There’s no doubt that summer is one of the best times of the year. Why is that? We think summer is so special because of longer days, warmer weather and usually lots of fun. This fun can often mean later nights than usual, which translates into less sleep in most…

Dr. Sean Endsley, a general dentist, is laying in bed with his hand on his chest.

How much sleep do you need? Eight hours? Six? Or maybe you’re good with a solid four? Well, it turns out that even though you think you can function on five or fewer hours of sleep, this is just a myth. It’s also dangerous to your health. That’s not the…

A man and a woman are sitting at a desk with their eyes closed, visiting their trusted Waco dentist, Dr. Sean Endsley.

Stay up too late and feel foggy the next day? This situation is not unusual, and many people have experienced the feeling of brain fog, sluggishness or difficulty concentrating after a late night. A joint research study performed by Tel Aviv University, UCLA and the University of Wisconsin has uncovered…

A man and woman sleeping in bed, waking up to an alarm clock.

Have you been told that you snore? If your spouse or partner is ready to kick you to the couch because you’re keeping them up all night, you’re not alone. Nearly 90 million Americans snore each night. But, you don’t have to relocate because of snoring. You can treat it…

A woman sleeping in a white bed with white pillows, as seen by Dr. Sean Endsley, a cosmetic dentist and Waco dentist.

Individuals who survive strokes, especially those who are Mexican American and are living with sleep apnea, have a higher risk of dying from or experiencing another stroke, according to research presented at the American Stroke Association’s International Stroke Conference. Sleep apnea is a potentially life-threatening sleep disorder in which affected…

A cpap mask with a blue strap designed by Dr. Sean Endsley, a Waco cosmetic dentist.

Some researchers estimate that as many as 22 million Americans are living with some level of obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA. If you’ve been diagnosed with OSA and are not being treated or you suspect that you have the condition, it is absolutely critical that you seek treatment immediately. But…

A little girl sleeping with a teddy bear.

Can sleep apnea be a cause of temper tantrums? According to a Florida grandmother, yes. The Sunshine State grandma says a school official arrested her 6-year-old granddaughter after the girl threw a tantrum at school, which the grandmother attributed to a lack of sleep caused by sleep apnea. School officials…

A pile containing an array of fruits and vegetables.

Working out and eating a healthy diet are two great ways to lose weight and get fit, but what if they don’t work? Many people living with sleep apnea struggle with the inability to lose weight because of their sleep disorder. They also live with its many dangerous side effects.…

A black man resting peacefully in a white bed.

When you wake up in the morning, do you feel rested and restored? Or do you wake up still tired, dragging and with a headache every day? If you are not getting good sleep every night despite going to bed early, you may have a condition that is preventing you…