Sleep apnea


When you think of summer, you probably think of swimming, cookouts, and vacations. But do you think of sleep apnea?  You should.  Here’s why: Your sleep apnea symptoms can actually get worse in the summer.  What Is Sleep Apnea?  Sleep apnea is one of the most common sleep disorders. The…

weight loss

Does sleep apnea cause weight gain?  Yes. Sleep apnea affects more than your sleep. It can also sabotage your weight and weight loss efforts.  What Is Sleep Apnea?  Sleep apnea is a condition in which you stop breathing for 10 seconds or longer during the night. The most common type…

childhood teeth grinding

If you’ve ever heard your baby or toddler grind their teeth, you know the sound rivals nails on a chalkboard. You may also wonder exactly why they’re doing it, whether you should be concerned and how to get them to stop.  Childhood Teeth Grinding The first thing to remember is…

good sleep

When you think of good sleep, you probably think about how many HOURS of sleep you’re getting. And while sleeping for eight to 10 hours a night is great, like most things, it’s not about quantity. It’s about quality.  What Is a Good Night’s Sleep?  Like we said, many textbooks…

sleep apnea

Sleep Apnea Symptoms in Women: Are They Different? Men are from Mars, women are from Venus. Remember that old book talking about the differences between men and women? While there’s no doubt many things are different between the sexes, you may be surprised by this one: sleep apnea symptoms. A…

A baby sleeping on a blue blanket. (No keywords added)

Snoring can be annoying, there’s no doubt. But when your kiddos snore, it’s pretty cute. It’s also pretty problematic when it comes to how their brain develops. The effects of habitual snoring on the brain can also impact your child’s behavior, causing significant problems in school, with peers and with…

A young boy sitting on a bed.

Kids outgrow habits and behaviors as part of the development process. Baby talk, thumb sucking, imaginary friends and stuffed animals are things that generally fade into our past as we grow into adolescence and adulthood. And while many of these behaviors do go by the wayside, one frequently sticks around.…

An illustration of a sleeping person illustrated by Dr. Sean Endsley, a general dentist.

Only men get sleep apnea. Only overweight people get sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is no big deal. Kids outgrow sleep apnea. Have you heard these statements about sleep apnea? We’ve listened to them all and then some, so we thought it would be a good time to write a blog…

A group of children sitting at desks in a classroom with a talented cosmetic dentist, Dr. Sean Endsley.

Obstructive sleep apnea, a common type of sleep breathing disorder, is often the cause of ADHD-like behavioral issues in kids. It can often also cause mood disorders, learning problems and difficulty reaching adaptive milestones. But, while OSA is a common culprit, many physicians, therapists and parents often overlook it. Why?…


Fall in Texas means football, chili, not-so-chilly temps, and lots of sneezing for many people. It’s the time of year that ragweed pollen runs rampant, so you’re probably chalking those sneezes, coughs and sniffles up to allergic rhinitis (also known as “the crud” or allergies). But what if it is…