
childhood teeth grinding

If you’ve ever heard your baby or toddler grind their teeth, you know the sound rivals nails on a chalkboard. You may also wonder exactly why they’re doing it, whether you should be concerned and how to get them to stop.  Childhood Teeth Grinding The first thing to remember is…

A group of PINK coronaviruses on a dark background.

COVID-19 has disrupted everyone’s life, including our work situations, seeing our friends and family, and how our kids go to school. But did you know that COVID-19 is also affecting the oral health of many individuals? Dentists worldwide report patients coming in with tooth damage, jaw pain and other oral…

A woman sleeping in a white bed.

If you have sleep apnea, you know it’s not about how much sleep you get every night — it’s more about the quality of your sleep. It doesn’t matter if you’re in bed for eight to 10 hours a night if you’re only getting two or three hours of truly…

A woman is yawning while sitting at a desk with a cup of coffee, potentially in need of a general dentist.

Living with sleep apnea means a lot of tossing and turning, frequent trips to the bathroom during the night and a lot of snoring. Living with sleep apnea also means very little sleep. But not all hope is lost. If you’re living with obstructive sleep apnea or another type of…

A group of people doing yoga in a yoga studio.

Do you grind your teeth? If you answered no, there might be a chance you actually do and you’re just not aware of it. Statistics from the National Sleep Foundation show that about 8 percent of adults grind their teeth while they sleep. Known as bruxism, teeth grinding can present…