cold weather

Those with temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain may find it difficult to adjust to the changing of seasons, especially cold weather. The cool temperatures of winter can cause jaw muscles to tense up, which can intensify existing TMJ pain. Low temperatures can make managing your jaw condition extremely difficult and make…

childhood teeth grinding

If you’ve ever heard your baby or toddler grind their teeth, you know the sound rivals nails on a chalkboard. You may also wonder exactly why they’re doing it, whether you should be concerned and how to get them to stop.  Childhood Teeth Grinding The first thing to remember is…


Headaches happen. They come and go. Some people never experience one, while others suffer from chronic headaches. If you’re among the latter group, you know how unpleasant it is — especially when it means you don’t feel like doing anything. But there are some simple ways to relieve those aches…


Dear Legends Dental, I have TMD, and I’ve noticed that my jaw begins hurting if I’m in a space with very cold air conditioning. Why does this happen? Signed, Cold & Hurting in Texas Has this happened to you? We often hear this from our temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD) patients and even…

Ear Pain

When you think of ear pain, you probably think it’s an ear infection, but did you know that not all ear pain results from an infection? One of the most common yet underdiagnosed reasons for ear pain is temporomandibular joint disorders, or TMDs. Although TMDs often stem from an issue…

A group of PINK coronaviruses on a dark background.

COVID-19 has disrupted everyone’s life, including our work situations, seeing our friends and family, and how our kids go to school. But did you know that COVID-19 is also affecting the oral health of many individuals? Dentists worldwide report patients coming in with tooth damage, jaw pain and other oral…

A young woman wearing a surgical mask and making an ok gesture at her general dentist, Dr. Sean Endsley.

If we’ve said it once, we’ve said it a hundred times: Breathing through your nose is best for your body. But, socially, many people think breathing out of the nose is better, too, as being a ‘mouth breather’ has become an insult associated with stupidity or inability to grasp concepts.…

Dr. Sean Endsley is touching his ear.

When you think about temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMJD, you may think about jaw pain or the jaw ‘locking’ shut. But did you know that TMJD can cause symptoms that may not even appear in or around your jaw? These symptoms include unexplained ear pain, ringing in the ears, headaches,…

A man, Dr. Sean Endsley, a general dentist, is sitting at his desk with his hand on his head.

When you have a headache, the pain may make it difficult – if not impossible – to focus on anything else. Head pain can make doing regular tasks hard, and even just thinking about doing some things can prove challenging. Chances are, you’re not alone if you feel this way…

A cosmetic dentist, Dr. Sean Endsley, examines an x-ray of a skull with a red spot on it.

Nearly 1.5 million Americans are affected by the autoimmune condition rheumatoid arthritis (RA). RA is caused when the immune system sees the joints as ‘foreign invaders’ and attacks them. RA can cause pain and inflammation in the joints, including the jaw. When the jaw is affected by RA, it can…