Oral Health

Adult Orthodontics

What do you think of when you hear ‘full-mouth reconstruction’? Do you think of painful cosmetic treatments that take forever to give you the smile you want? If you’re imagining the worst and putting off getting procedures because you’re afraid of the time commitment or pain, you may be surprised…

A general dentist in Waco, Dr. Sean Endsley, examining a woman covering her mouth with her hands.

If you’ve ever burned your mouth on a spoonful of scalding soup or a too-hot sip of coffee, you know the results are painful – but temporary. But, what if you had to live with this discomfort day in and day out? People living with burning mouth syndrome experience precisely…

A little girl wearing glasses and holding an apple visits a general dentist in Waco, Dr. Sean Endsley.

With ever-increasing stress and busy schedules, you may find that taking care of yourself often takes a back burner. But should it? According to the Charlotte Business Journal, many people in the United States are putting their oral health last. In a recent article, the news source reported that more…

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A University at Buffalo study has revealed that our diet has significantly changed our saliva in comparison to that of other primates. Researchers at the university’s School of Dental Medicine found that the human diet – and our increased consumption of meat, how we cook our food and even how…

Colorful peppers on a wooden table.

As a dental practice, we talk a lot about teeth, proper bites and treating temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMD. It’s kind of what we do. But, we are also concerned about other parts of the mouth, too. One of those parts we keep in mind with everything we do to…

A football player with a toothpick-attached helmet.

Concussions are a hot topic – from youth sports to the NFL, these brain injuries are a cause of conversation among many. Including dentists. Dentists have recently joined the ranks of those concerned about preventing brain injuries in athletes. But why dentists, and why now? A better question is, ‘Why…

Three women laughing while sitting on a bench.

Laughing too hard can mean a bellyache, tears streaming down the cheeks and the inability to catch your breath, but can laughing too hard mean the risk of dislocating your jaw? Maybe. According to a recent article in Entertainment Times of India, this is just what happened to a Chinese…

Coronaviruses are depicted amidst a contrasting blue and purple background.

The long-held belief that bacteria work together within the body to ensure survival may be a myth, according to researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Researchers at GIT have found that there instead of working together, many bacteria are, in fact, fairly selfish when it comes to their survival.…

A table with dental pliers and a mirror creating a Stranger Than Fiction ambiance.

When you go to the dentist for a checkup and cleaning, you likely expect at least some portion of your visit to involve the not-so-pleasant manual scraping with mechanical tools to remove sticky plaque from your teeth. The very thought of having your teeth scraped may cause you to reschedule…

A cutting board with an assortment of foods on it.

Eating a healthy diet can be difficult for many seniors, according to a recent article published by The Washington Post. The reason? Tooth loss. Many Americans over the age of 65 are skipping foods like fruits and vegetables and choosing less healthy options such as refined grains, processed foods, and…