
Three women laughing while sitting on a bench.

Laughing too hard can mean a bellyache, tears streaming down the cheeks and the inability to catch your breath, but can laughing too hard mean the risk of dislocating your jaw? Maybe. According to a recent article in Entertainment Times of India, this is just what happened to a Chinese…

Coronaviruses are depicted amidst a contrasting blue and purple background.

The long-held belief that bacteria work together within the body to ensure survival may be a myth, according to researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Researchers at GIT have found that there instead of working together, many bacteria are, in fact, fairly selfish when it comes to their survival.…

A weekly timesheet featuring a pen, designed to help individuals "Get Out of the Rat Race.

If you’re frequently waking up feeling fatigued or feel like you didn’t sleep at all, are dragging through the day, or are hearing complaints from your partner that you’re snoring all night, you could have the condition known as obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a severe health condition that…

A pile containing an array of fruits and vegetables.

Working out and eating a healthy diet are two great ways to lose weight and get fit, but what if they don’t work? Many people living with sleep apnea struggle with the inability to lose weight because of their sleep disorder. They also live with its many dangerous side effects.…

An Ideal Injection using a syringe and glass bottle.

The symptoms and side effects of temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMD, can make those who suffer from the condition absolutely miserable. The pain itself can make people seek out different treatments and solutions to end the pain, discomfort and dysfunction. One unusual solution? Botulinum toxin type A – most commonly…

Two doctors examining x-rays to help patients find alignment.

Bad posture is a pretty easy habit to fall into and a tough habit to break. Think about it: How much time are you spending hunched in front of a screen or a keyboard at work or just hanging out on the couch scrolling on your phone? Holding your body…

A couple playfully blowing bubbles during a passionate kiss on a gray background.

One in four people are living with the pain and other uncomfortable symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorder. Chew on that a minute – if you can. Temporomandibular disorder – also known as TMD – can make it difficult to chew and talk. This is because the condition affects the jaw…

A woman experiencing less oxygen while sleeping on a white pillow.

Can a sleep disorder increase your risk developing of cancer? A new study published in the European Respiratory Journal says yes. According to the recent study, women who are living with sleep apnea have an elevated risk of developing cancer compared to men with the condition. More than 22 million…

A table with dental pliers and a mirror creating a Stranger Than Fiction ambiance.

When you go to the dentist for a checkup and cleaning, you likely expect at least some portion of your visit to involve the not-so-pleasant manual scraping with mechanical tools to remove sticky plaque from your teeth. The very thought of having your teeth scraped may cause you to reschedule…

A man snoring, hand, mouth.

Researchers at Hiroshima University Hospital have developed a potential new way to treat sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, is not just a sleep disorder; it is a dangerous health condition that can cause the muscles of the throat to relax and block the airway during sleep. According to…